Friday, November 2, 2007

Tip of the day and new site discovery

Tip of the day: If your boss asks you to call a vendor at 3pm to ask why X wasn't done, use Outlook's popups to remind you. If you don't have Outlook, Google's calendar offers e-mail and popup reminders.

I had a hard time remembering to call so and so on Tuesday before I got into the calendar. Now I use it for everything--reminders when to meditate, water the office plants, etc. I use Google's calendar for stuff I need to remember at home like taking my meds and paying monthly bills.

I also discovered a cool site today, Among other things, they offer tarot readings. I've got a couple decks and have done some readings for free. I might sign up there this weekend and see if I can make a little cash doing it. It'd be handy to have a little more money. My temp job's coming to an end soon and I want to make ends meet until I get something new.


Thursday's Child said...

Outlook saves my life every day. In fact, the combination of Outlook and my Treo 750 is the only reason I'm ever anywhere I need to be.

Also, thanks for stopping by on my blog! And good luck on NaBloPoMo!

Jamie said...


Thanks for stopping by starshyneproductions today and offering your thoughts! And yes, that's the OSHO Zen tarot. I use it every single day.

Good luck with your readings!

Winnie said...

Oh wow, two comments! :) Thanks, thursday's child and jamie.